I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but Christmas and the New Year left us SO busy.
But, exciting news.. wait for it, wait for it, wait for it....
We started our MAPP Training Course with the Florida Baptist Children's Home last night! YAHOOO!! We are officially PAPER PREGNANT! (heehee). SO thrilled God flew upon the door for us to start! It left us feeling so encrouaged and so at peace. Although it was quite a funny story getting there.
We had our interview set up with FSS for this Wednesday when God flung open the door for FBCH. And we were able to get into the Mapp Class the same day. Funny how God Works! Anywho, we are super thrilled SOMETHING is happening..
This is us on the way to our class,
Now we can officially say we are PAPER PREGNANT!